Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good Old Dose of End of Pregnancy Humility :)

Yesterday I attempted a huge Super Walmart trip. I filled a cart until it was overflowing with items sticking out all sides, including a long curtain rod that made it hard to avoid hitting things. Anyways, we (Hudson & I) were at the end of the trip, near lunchtime and both sick of being in Walmart. He'd done pretty well, but was now complaining for me to carry him. (Side note: Have I told you how he asks for me to carry him? "Mommy, up you"...which he was repeating over and over yesterday).

So, I was carrying a hungry toddler and trying to navigate a heavy cart when I reached for my last item, pizza crusts. While reaching up high, my big ol' belly knocked off some spaghetti sauce jars sending them to the ground and shattering. So, glass and spaghetti sauce is everywhere. This started a chain reaction of about 30 jars barreling towards the edge of the shelves. I had to plaster myself against the shelves (while still holding Hudson) to keep them all from falling. I'm sure it was a sight.

I must have yelled because a few people came to help. Thankfully I was able to laugh about the whole incident while still in the middle of it.


Stephanie Meleady Brown said...

Em, What a story, and what an image! You have always been good at laughing stuff off. :-)

Although, I have to say, I thought you were setting us up for your water breaking - not pasta jars breaking!


Anonymous said...

That is so hysterical. Good thing Walmart doesn't have a "you break it, you buy it" policy. -Seema and Natalie

Elisa said...

Porbrasita! (poor girl) What a story, friend! I will be praying for you this week as you await the exciting arrival of your baby girl! :) Miss you!