Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Girl

This little girl is 5 months old now and full of smiles, giggles & attitude about being held all the time. Love her!


lisa said...

YOU LITTLE RASCAL! Thank you for the note! What a special surprise. Debbie was delighted to hand it to me at church this morning. It warmed my heart. Very sweet. I love looking at your blog. I'm a subscriber, you know. So I keep up with all the latest Casto news. I can't believe how big Hudson is. Anne Kate is so beautiful. I have fond memories of Florida. So glad you are enjoying it. We'll keep in touch!

love, the Loneys

Emily said...

I'm glad it made it to you! I wanted to send something "Florda-y", but couldn't decide what, so a note had to do. :) Glad all is well with y'all! :)