Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It was such a treat to get to spend 2.5 weeks in Vermont this summer. The weather was perfect for spending all day outside. Our favorite activities were hiking, tennis, running, playing at the lake, kayaking/canoeing, and the kids loved exploring the construction area. 
While we were there, my dad was having the brooke that runs behind the house moved to prevent erosion. There was an excavator and bulldozer and each boy got to take a turn operating the excavator.
Remember the song "Boondocks". I'm not sure if that's the name, but all kids loved cranking it up and singing along in the car. 

We did lots of hiking, but I was particularly impressed by Hudson hiking all the way to the top of Jay Peak (a local ski mountain) without any complaining.
After hiking to the top, we rode the tram down.

1 comment:

Stephanie Meleady Brown said...

Beautiful pictures!! So happy to see that this Johnstone family tradition continues :-). You are always in my thoughts this time of year, Em!