Friday, June 6, 2008

Got Milk?

My return to work was pretty smooth, at least for me. It was good to see my coworkers and catch up on what's been going on in their lives. I guess when you spend 20+ hours a week with the same people for a few years, it's strange not to see them at all for a couple months. During my first day back I answered the main line to the bank and was surprised to hear Trent's voice. He was overwhelmed and frustrated. Hudson had been screaming for over 45min straight and wouldn't take his bottle. Trent knew he was hungry, but Hudson refused to eat. We were quite busy at the bank, so I suggested he ask our neighbor, Kelli, if she could help with the situation. Kelli just had her 2nd baby last week and her mom was here to help, so I thought maybe her mom could help. So Trent went next door and they suggested heating the bottle up (Trent was giving Hudson his bottle from the fridge). Sure enough, Hudson immediately gulped it down and was better the rest of the day. Trent was surprised that Hudson didn't want some "cool, refreshing milk" on a hot summer's day. Kelli, thanks again for being such a good friend that we can even come over for help when you're recovering and adjusting to life with Caden! You rock!

The drive home from work has been so exciting this week because I just can't wait to get home and hug my 2 guys. It also makes me appreciate the days I'm able to hang out with Hudson all day. I really love being his mom!

update: our printer is working fine after water getting in it :)

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