Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tricks & Pics from this Week

Enjoying reading more now that we moved his books to the bottom shelf of the bookcase

Hudson pulled up for the first time from a laying position to his knees to standing

This is actually as far as he got (although he did this several times).

He loves to explore by crawling under his exersaucer, the coffee table, or "in" one side of an end table and then "out" the front

Hudson now finds me when I'm in another room. It's a highlight of my day to look up & see him coming around the corner!


Julie said...

glad you all are doing well.. Hudson is a cutie and getting cuter and bigger every day. Love his smile!

Julie Bauer

The Morginskys said...

i think he wants to do the marathon with you!!!! i love the stuff thing he was climbing on, where did you get it?

Emily said...

Sharon, We got the stuffed rings from my sister. I'm not sure where she got it (possibly from someone else passing the toy along). Hope to see you around! Emily