Tuesday, November 30, 2010

West Virginia

Last week we enjoyed Thanksgiving and a week vacation in West Virginia. We spent the first half of the week at Trent's parents' house then headed to his grandparent's house for the second half of the week. There is way too much to write about, but I'll try to cover some highlights...

These are Hudson & Anna Kate's 1st cousins on Trent's side...
Trent's parents, their 5 kids behind them & 2 daughters-in-law up front

Hudson & Anna Kate enjoyed playing with their Nana and Papaw

I took my new DSLR camera and enjoyed having some time to practice snapping photos. Here is one of my favorites of Anna Kate.
This little girl started sitting up!
I can't seem to load any other pictures right now...more to come some day.

Some other noteworthy events included:

*Hudson getting to sit on big tractors at Trent's grandparents farm
*seeing my Dad and Stepmom one evening
*seeing my Grandma & some family members for a quick dinner in Columbus
*getting to run a very cold, hilly & slow (but fun for me, not for Trent who ran despite having the stomach bug) 5k race with one of Trent's cousins
*playing several games of Tuck with various family members
*visiting with lots of family members we haven't seen in way too long
*coming back home to blue sky, sunshine and 80 degrees

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