Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Cuddly Mover & Shaker

At 16 months old now, Anna Kate is extremely social, dramatic and fun! She insists on saying hi and waving to every person when we're out. All the grandparents around here eat it up. She blows kisses and waves while riding in a shopping cart like she's a queen in a parade.

She will dramatically throw herself on the ground and cry into her hands if her feelings are hurt, if Hudson is playing with the toy she wants or sometimes for no apparent reason. After a minute of that, she'll normally get up and just start happily playing again. Trent is worried.
She's learning many new words. She knows lots of body parts and likes to review them. Often, I'm holding her and talking to someone when out of nowhere she puts her finger in my eye saying "eye, eye, eye, eye..." until the attention is turned to her. :) She also loves books, animals, the beach and anything her brother is doing. This girl is either on the move or being held.


Natalie said...

She is just precious and getting so big! I love these pictures! Hope y'all are doing well!

Emily said...

Thanks Natalie!