Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Big Brother

I am happy to say that Hudson is enjoying being a big brother again. Last weekend, he went to a big brother party and had a blast! Two of my friends and I decided to get one babysitter for all of our boys. We all have little baby girls as well. So, instead of just having a babysitter (while we all took our baby girls to the party we were going to), my friend turned it into "Big Brother Camp."

They did several "big brother activities", including making these crowns. Hudson wore his everywhere we went for a few days. He got lots of people congratulating him on being a big brother while we were out running errands.He loved the attention.
He has asked to hold Anna Kate a few times and has done an excellent job being gentle.
He's also wanted to sit next to her and console her when she cries.
Tomorrow we are having a potty party at our house! Hudson is SO excited! I am so not excited. Mostly I just do not feel confident in my timing of trying to start potty training Hudson tomorrow (he's been asking for awhile to use the potty) or in my competency of my method. I'm wanting to cancel the whole thing, but Hudson would be crushed and confused. So, I will venture on.

If anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them (although I'm starting first thing tomorrow morning!). The plan is to hang-out on the porch/pool deck (where I can easily hose it down) with Hudson only wearing a t-shirt. We have a little toddler potty out there. I let him pick out some juice today (a huge treat), some tic tacs (his favorite treat...he's crazy about tic tacs!) and some big boy underwear (he chose cars). The plan is to encourage him to drink lots of juice/water and regularly put him on the potty.

Do I put a diaper on him for his nap/bedtime? If anyone has a thought before 1pm EST, I'd be happy to hear it.


meg said...

I don't have kids (!), but I think your Potty Party sounds great. My friend used to do 7 days and 70 dollars. She would let her kids run around without underwear for 7 days and then at the end they would basically be trained and she would spend 70 dollars cleanign the carpets! haha

I think a diaper at nap/bedtime is necessary now. I know there are kids who are fully potty trained during the day, but still need a diaper at night. It might be confusing for him at first, but wetting the bed would be worse!

Good luck! You'll be great!

Emily said...

Thanks for the thoughts & encouragement, Meg! So far, 2 accidents & successful 2 times.

Anonymous said...

my Mom put a thick sheet under Connor when we were potty training.