Monday, July 26, 2010

Six Little Castos

First, I want to say that Trent is MUCH better! He passed the kidney stone on Friday evening, about 28 hours after the pain started. It seemed amazingly similar to many women's labor, except the end result was what looked like a little piece of gravel. We are both rejoicing that he's better.

A couple interesting things we learned about kidney stones is that we live in the "kidney stone belt" and this is "kidney stone season." More people have kidney stones when the weather is hot & sunny, but also breezy. The sun causes people to sweat and need more water, but when there's a breeze people drink less water since they're cooled off. When you're kidney's aren't getting enough water they can develop stones. Needless to say, we've both consumed a lot of water over the last few days.

Trent was better just in time for his brother & family to come! Chad & Jessie have 4 fun boys.

Jessie with 5 boys in the pool.

The 5 Casto boys on the Naples Pier
Austin trying to help his brother, Jack, smile

Anna Kate wearing her first bow.


Elisa said...

Such a cute picture! I'm glad Trent is feeling better. We miss you guys!

J. Grant Dys said...

Glad Trent passed the stone. Did it sound like this?

Kelli said...

Oh dear. . .kidney stones! Glad that is behind you guys and hope that you can avoid it next "kidney stone season" (who would have thought?) Loved the picutres of your kids with their Casto cousins. . .so sweet.

nana said...

she is waaaaaaaaaaay too cute!
love nana