Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hudson is Three!

We had a great time celebrating Hudson's third birthday today! The highlight was definitely our family trip to the fire station. Hudson loved sitting in the big ladder truck.
His outfit wouldn't have been complete without his fireman's boots

Just after we left, we watched the truck Hudson sat in drive away

This evening we enjoyed chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles (the birthday boy's request). Blowing out the candles here
so proud that he finally got the candles blown out

We got him a little Thomas drum with drum sticks. This boy loves to drum and uses anything to drum, mostly he's used 2 toy golf clubs since last July. Every night when we sing a hymn before bed, he gets his "drumsticks" to drum along while we sing.
He was ecstatic! The bummer is that he opened it just before bedtime and we're hopping on a plane in the morning to head to a friend's wedding. So, he'll have to wait and drum when we return.

Happy Birthday sweet boy! We love you so much!!

1 comment:

PaPaw and Nana said...

OOPS! Maybe we should have talked before we ordered his present. :-)
Or maybe Anna Kate can join him.