Sunday, July 27, 2008

Updates for people who love bullet-points

Here are some updates on life with Hudson:

4 month old check-up was Friday
*weight: 14lbs 11oz (50th %)
*length: 24 1/4" (25th %)
*head circum 16" (15-20th %)

*his neck is geting better! He has full range of motion now (with assistance)
*we'll still keep going to physical therapy, probably until he's about 6 months old

*the doctor said we could start feeding him cereal anytime in the next couple months & that there's no advantages to starting at one time versus another...I think we'll wait a little longer since it's one more thing to add to the schedule

*getting his immunizations was not fun again...although he only cried for a couple minutes, I hated holding him there while he got 4 shots

*he normally takes a couple 2 hour naps during the day now, sometimes he takes 3 shorter naps
*he gets up about every 3-4 hours during the night to eat, but he eats quickly and goes right back to sleep, so this schedule is working for us

*He interacts more and more with his toys (rings & rattles)
*He loves sticking as much of his fist in his mouth as he can fit
*He also loves grabbing his feet and holding onto them

We're leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for 10 days at my family's house in Vermont. Up there we'll visit my dad, stepmom, younger sister & older sister and her family

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