Friday, August 8, 2008


We had an awesome time in Vermont! Here are some of the things we enjoyed...

picking blueberries

doing puzzles

hanging out with cousins

our well was struck by lightning & the pump had to be replaced, so we all sat around & watched it get replaced

Well, we all didn't get to sit around and watch it get fixed

the pump for the well was about 350' down

playing with the lobsters

Hudson wasn't crazy about the lobsters

but his cousin Aaron was

my Dad getting ready for a lobster dinner

we went for some walks in town

Hudson enjoyed being held a lot...this is him with my stepmom

we got to see elk (& some of us ate elk)

being silly

making bear faces

we played putt-putt in the rain

Hudson went on his first boat ride

the kids enjoyed riding around on the golf cart with Aunt Stephanie


Laura said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! You have some great photos :o)

Kelli said...

I love the "making bear faces picture"!