Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hudson's Newest Feats

Over the last few days, Hudson has started sitting up by himself. He could fall backwards at any moment though, so we have to be nearby. His other new first is that we fed him rice cereal for the first time last night! He would open his mouth up really wide after he started getting the hang of it, but by then end he was all done. He smiled and kicked his arms and legs a lot. Overall, I would say cereal was a hit!


Betsy said...

Wow, Hudson!! You're growing up so fast! I'm so glad that the cereal was a hit! It'll be fun to see what he likes and doesn't like.

Sharon said...

oh hello neighbor!!! we have that same mirror thingy and i never thought about putting it in the crib like that...great idea! i'm going to do it!