Saturday, December 27, 2008

Home Alone

I am home alone this weekend. Trent's sister recently decided to get married today in WV. I could not get any time off of work this weekend, so I have to stay here. Trent is officiating the wedding (not sure if "officiating" is the correct term for weddings, but I just finished watching football and "officiating" is the word that comes to mind) except for pronouncing them man and wife. He can't do that until he's an ordained pastor (after graduation). He's also preaching at his home church tomorrow and he's singing a duet with Brianna during the service. I'm pretty bummed that I'm missing all these things and my baby. I can't believe I'm going 3 nights without either of them.

My sister, Stephanie, was supposed to come visit this weekend. When she got to the airport yesterday, her ticket was for Jan. 26-29 instead of December. Bummer! The flight was full and it couldn't work for her to change her ticket. So, I am home by myself.

I actually expected to wallow in self-pity that Trent & Hudson were getting to do Christmas with his family, go to the wedding, visit with lots of people, while I slaved away at work and then sat in our quiet house. Instead, I have

-read Harry Potter
-eaten waffles for dinner
-slept through the night for the first time since before Hudson was born!
-watched a chick flick (I think the first of 2-3)
-organized closets
-watched the WV bowl game (we won)
-gone to Pottery Barn to buy things to redecorate my living room (we have store credit from our wedding...good thing it doesn't expire), but came home was still fun to browse though
-looked around at Whole Foods...there are so many things that look tempting, but I couldn't bring myself to buy anything there
-got some things together for a yard sale we're going to have before we move
-gone running
-watched videos of Hudson

Some things I'm planning to do over the next few days are

-do a Bible study on looking up the word "joy" in the Bible and see where it takes me
-read ahead for a class I'm taking in January
-go through my dresser and weed out any clothes I don't wear
-go to a coffee shop to read
-make some meals & freeze them
-do my new pilates DVD (a Christmas gift I received)

That's all for now. I think I'm off to start the Bible study.


Matt and Kelli Seilback said...

Oh Emily, I'm so sorry. Please go to our house and relax while watching TV or movies. Have you watched all the Waltons yet? If not, it should be somewhere in our TV cabinet. Popcorn in the pantry as well!

Matt and Kelli Seilback said...

Bye the way, the matt seilback comment was actually from Kelli

Emily said...

Thanks! You're such a thoughtful dear friend. I've actually discovered "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" episodes on the internet tonight. I don't think I'm going to get to my other movies when I have this as a choice. :)

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, Emily, I am so jealous right now! I don't know if I could handle three whole days but at least one night and two that sounds like Heaven at this point in my life! :)