Sunday, May 17, 2009

Many Memorable Moments

The last few days have been full of many big events in our lives! I feel like there's so much that's been happening that I can't even write about it. Here's a little list with more details to come soon (at least that's the plan!):

-Hudson took his first steps
-Hudson was baptized today
-We both graduated with our masters degrees
-We became members of the PCA today (the denomination we are starting to work in)
-Trent was officially offered and accepted a job in Dallas, TX
-I quit my job at Bank of America
-Hudson had his first haircut
-We've started packing our house

Hudson feeding a camel at Grant's Farm with Nana

At first he loved it, then he got a little scared when the camel took both their hands in his/her mouth!

getting his first haircut

reading a book with Mamaw during Graduation (can you tell how tired he was...he didn't nap that day and was up until after 10pm without any meltdown...amazing!)

he also learned to drink from a straw for the first time....he's sharing a fruit smoothie with Daddy

There are many more pictures and lots of stories to go with our whirlwind lives right now. I hope to share more with you soon!


The Fearless Fowler said...

Wow! You are in the midst of such exciting times! Congratulations on your degrees and a call. I hope we can see you three before you leave town. Happy packing!

meg said...

SO many things to be thankful for! Congratulations on all of it!

Julie said...

Congrats on the graduation - and the JOB!! So, you ended up in the PCA after all that, huh? :) Where in Dallas will you guys be? I've got a good friend from high school who lives there and know a few other people there as well. Good "luck" with the transition!

Sarah Merten said...

Hey Emily just dropping by to see how you have been...from the looks of it sounds GREAT! Hudson has gotten so big since I last saw him. Congrats on everything to you and Trent I wish you three the very best!

-Sarah Merten