Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 Uncles... one week. In addition to my brother-in-law, Brian, stopping by last week, Trent's brother, Chad, passed through Dallas and stayed with us Saturday night. He's on the far left in the pic below (this is from the summer of 2007). Chad & his wife, Jessie, recently had their fourth baby boy. It was so fun to see some pictures and video of the newest Casto boy. We can't wait to meet little Jace in person!

Our camera completely broke and I'm not sure what we're going to do. It seems like Christmas is too far off to wait and ask for a new camera then. I think we'll just have to go ahead and buy a new one now.  Anyone have any great camera buying suggestions? We loved our Canon point-and-shoot that just bit the dust (after 5+ years). 


Elisa said...

Hey friend! I totally recommend the Canon digital elf. It is a point and click kind of camera and it uses a rechargeable battery. We've had ours for 3 years and it's terrific.

Emily said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Elisa!