Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, since we're in between cameras, I thought I'd share a story from our household. 

A couple weeks ago, I was either cooking or washing dishes when I heard Hudson whimpering from the other room. [On a side note, our kitchen, dining room & living room (which is the whole downstairs) all open to one another so he can be anywhere downstairs while I'm in the kitchen.] Anyways, I suddenly started hearing what sounded like a lost puppy. So, I hurried into the living room to find Hudson stuck in the fireplace. He had never given the fire place a once over before so I never gave him exploring it a second thought. This fireplace takes wood and there was none in there, but it has obviously been used before because when I pulled him out he was covered in soot! I had to immediately strip him and wash him. I wish I had a picture to share. He has not been interested in the fireplace since then. 

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