Friday, September 12, 2008

Covenant Children

Hudson had his first play date today. He played with his friend, Caleb. It was so fun for Caleb's mom, Rachel, and I to watch our sons play and have fun! One of the most fun things to do with Hudson right now is to feed him cereal. He gets so happy and excited when he sees the bowl and spoon coming now. He opens his mouth really wide before I can even get the cereal on the spoon. Here's a video of his first time eating cereal. We're hoping to get another video soon of how excited he gets when he just sees the cereal coming:)

Our other update is that we've decided that we're going to go to Covenant Presbyterian church (check it out here). I started going to a women's bible study yesterday on 1, 2, 3 John. I'm excited that I have the opportunity to study these rich books of the Bible while Hudson gets wonderful childcare (thanks Lisa!!).

1 comment:

lisa said...

oh, you are so welcome. i enjoyed watching this video. thanks for posting.
