Monday, July 13, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

After a few weeks without internet access, we are connected to the world again. Since being in Dallas, I have not had any connection to the outside world except through phone calls. We do not have a tv, we have no newspaper, and we didn't have internet. When my friend, Elisa, called this week to talk about all the political things happening in Honduras (she and her husband are moving there soon), I had no knowledge of it. I found out Michael Jackson died by overhearing Trent respond to his Dad on the phone, "What Michael Jackson died?".

Trent has the internet at his work, so he'd check our e-mail and print off any that he thought I would want to read. I really appreciated that, but I couldn't respond then. There's a public library close with free internet, but it hasn't worked out for me to go there (mostly it's closed at the times I could go when Trent could watch Hudson). There is a Panera next to us and I will admit that I used their free internet from the parking lot a couple times to get directions in our new city.

With that said, I will start posting pictures, videos and stories about life in Texas soon.

Thanks for still checking the blog.

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