Friday, July 31, 2009

Cities & Knights with Jeremy

Here's a common night around our house...

dinner with Jeremy

We put Hudson to bed and then Trent, Jeremy & I stay up eating treats and playing this game

We are totally into it. We are even keeping track for a year who wins the most and from which position (since your position can change with each game). I know, we're total geeks. :)

Also, we normally get our music from If you haven't checked it out, you should. You just type in a music artist and they create a radio station of songs and artists that're similar to the one you chose. It's a great way to find out other bands/artists/songs that you might not otherwise know.


Suzanne said...


The Fearless Fowler said...

Thank you for the congrats, Em! We are very excited. Also, I need to credit your blog with saving the life of a little squirrel in our neighborhood. Our neighbors found a tiny squirrel that had fallen from its nest, and while we were trying to figure out how to help it I remembered your old blog post about an injured bunny you took to a local wildlife rescue. We took the baby squirrel to the same rescue, and they gladly took him in.

Emily said...

After 16 months of blogging, I'm glad the blog came to some good use. :)