Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some Saturday Activities

It was a beautiful Saturday here. It wasn't nearly as hot today and felt even comfortable. We enjoyed lots of outdoor activities. Here are just a couple.

Hudson enjoyed "riding" his bike down the sidewalk in front of our house. His feet don't reach the pedals or the ground, so he sits on the bike and we push the back. He loves it!

Once I got out the camera, he had to come check it out. 

Getting a shoulder ride.
Watching in awe as Daddy climbed a huge mountain.
Showing off his prized treasure (shredded tire from the ground of the play area).
Looking like our little mountain climber


Kelli said...

Missing you guys! Every now and then Maia just randomly talks about something she remembers about you guys. . .obviously she misses you too.

Stephanie Meleady Brown said...

Bring that mountain climber to Seattle!