Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grace Flows Downhill

This morning, Trent & I shared some snippets of our own stories and from our life together with the Young Married's & Young Families Sunday School class. The pastor who leads this sunday school class asked each of the 3 pastoral interns to take a Sunday and introduce themselves. I was delighted when Trent asked me if we could do something together. I really enjoyed using Hudson's naptime this past week to think through all the things God has done in our lives. A reoccuring theme we saw in our lives is the abundance of grace that God has lavished on us. It was hard to choose which stories to tell to highlight God's grace in our lives, but we decided on how God's grace flows to the brokenhearted, God's grace flows to the repentant prodigal and God's grace flows to the eager, but ignorant. Overall, we were saying that grace (from a spouse, from God, from others) flows to us when we humble ourselves. In other words, grace flows downhill. 

This saying "grace flows downhill" is not our own. We got it from Jack Miller (founder of World Harvest Mission) who in turn got it from the Bible.

One of the sections I spoke about was how God gives grace to the brokenhearted. I told the story of when my mother passed away from cancer. The passage from the Bible I relied on the most during the long, hard nights when she was really sick was Psalm 4. I don't think this is a very common passage for someone to seek out during those times. But, I did. I was always reading for the last verse "In peace I will lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Knowing that God, who does not sleep nor slumber (Ps. 121) was watching when I would lay down to sleep brought comfort. Anyways, I was reflecting on this a lot this past week and then this morning's sermon was on this very text. I have never heard a sermon on this text that I remember. It was a beautiful moment of God's grace. And his grace is sufficient.


Laura said...

that's beautiful Emily! I am sure the people in your church are so thankful to have you guys there. I love the picture of Hudson on top..precious.

Jerry said...

Emily, Thanks for the encouragement! It's amazing how God uses the difficult times in our lives to encourage others.