Monday, April 14, 2008

2 weeks old

Hudson is 2 weeks old today! To celebrate, we got out a new toy that Hudson had received from Trent's siblings. It's a lay on your back and enjoy sight and sound stimulation mat. You'll see his first reaction to the mat (he was happy when I laid him down) and then he started really enjoying it.
The most common question I get asked is "How's he sleeping?" He sleeps pretty well. He eats every 2-3hrs and normally sleeps in between feedings. A couple times a day he stays awake for 1-2hrs looking at the lights, making funny faces and now playing with his toy. I feel fairly rested.
I made a huge accomplishment today...I took a 30min nap and felt refreshed when I woke up! I've never been a napper and find it difficult to fall asleep during the day. I do get down time during the day in addition to when Hudson is sleeping because Trent jumps in and takes care of Hudson. He helps with everything except feeding, including holding him when he is crying and just wants to be held, rocked, sung to or needs his diaper changed. Trent also gets up during the night with Hudson if he needs anything besides being fed. I'm very grateful to have such a caring and help initiating husband!

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