Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Swaddle

Another thing that I never knew would be so important before I became a parent was the importance of the swaddle. The swaddle is important because Hudson doesn't yet control his arms completely. They move suddenly when he's awake or sleeping. If he's not swaddled when sleeping, his arms will jerk and hit himself in the face, waking him up. I wrap him tightly in the blanket, but it's often just a matter of time before he pushes and wiggles his arms free, wakes himself up and cries. As you can see from the picture below, I am not a professional swaddler. A friend recommended a special swaddling blanket at Babies-r-us that works with velcro and keeps even the most active babies properly swaddled. If I can manage, I think I'll go buy one today and test it out.

I'm taking Hudson to his 2nd baby shower tonight. He cried at the first one until we left and then was a complete angel in the car. I'm hoping the one tonight goes better.

when Trent swaddles (what it should look like)

when Emily swaddles :)

1 comment:

Todd Gwennap said...

Hey Emily, I just found your blog and I had to comment on your picture examples! It was the SAME way in our house, Todd tried over-and-over to teach me, finally Jack just outgrew needing to be swaddled, thankfully :) He turned out ok despite my poor attempts to match my hubby's swaddle skills! Great to read what's going on with y'all! Jenn Gwennap