Sunday, April 6, 2008

A New Normal

I decided not to go to church today to limit the number of germs Hudson is exposed to. I feel pretty good though (better each day!) and wanted to go. As Hudson and I hung out at home, I realized that for the next 8 weeks (while I'm on maternity leave) I'm a stay-at-home mom. I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I'm excited to spend so much time with Hudson. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice all week, so I'm looking forward to taking some walks and maybe venturing out to find a baby book. On the other hand, I'm nervous that I might not just love being overly busy with work, school and other activities all the time. Trent & I have always seemed to pack lots of things into our schedule and have been spontaneous with our free time. We love to just head outdoors whenever we have time. I'm realizing how much of an adjustment it's going to be to life as a parent. I'm not sure what thoughts and emotions this first week of staying home with my son is going to bring, but overall I'm looking forward to it. We are planning on going to the park this afternoon (it's a beautiful day in St. Louis :)), but can't go until Hudson eats again to maximize the window of time we have to be away. I'm sure we'll be posting pics from the park soon. Happy Sunday!

Mommy is excited to be able to wear her fleece again!

Although you can't really tell from the picture, this is Hudson's first bath at home. He hardly cried at all!

Hudson really wanted this picture in front of our WVU flag. How could we say no?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

OH my heart feels inflated with joy for you THREE! I can't even believe it.
Emily, I love reading about how you are doing and what you are thinking about all of this. I myself am learning a lot about the commitment of being a parent. I feel like I can relate a lot to your feelings. Although I have been really passionate about being a stay at home mom, I've had my share of uncertainties of how that will change life for us.
I do think it's fabulous that you're already getting Hudson used to those outside adventures (starting small). :) Congrats!